ANDE® Rapid DNA for Criminal Forensics
DNA identification can now be an active tool in any investigation
Now Rapid DNA can be used immediately during your investigation.
Rule suspects in or out, gain more investigative leads, and save resources.
Easy to use. Answers in less than 2 hours.
Sample type examples:
Cheek swabs
Blood stains
Cigarettes, gum, straws
Steering wheels, cell phones, touch items
Body tissue, fluid, and bones
Cups, cans, bottles

Now available ANDE® Rapid DNA at Booking - supports investigations.
Actionable DNA Results During Investigation
DNA results available so quickly that they can be play an active role in any investigation. Identify leads, eliminate suspects, gather evidence, and manage your investigation.
Results Processed Immediately
DNA identification answers are available to aid an investigation in less than 2 hours.
Cost Effective
Immediate cost effective access to DNA results is a force multiplier in reducing crime and reducing costs.
Increased Knowledge in Suspect Interviews
DNA evidence increases the rate of confessions during suspect interviews and helps investigators close cases faster.
Expedite Case Closure
DNA answers can help expedite case closure in investigations that, prior to Rapid DNA, wouldn’t have qualified for DNA evidence processing.
Quickly Interrupt Crime
Rapid DNA helps to potentially interrupt crime sprees of escalating severity and reduces recidivism.
What Public Safety is Saying
“This technology is a game-changer for the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, and the time saved is critical to our success in an investigation.”
— Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
Glaun, Dan. "New DNA machine helps solve crimes in 90 minutes, Lee County Sheriff says." News-Press, Naples Daily News, Feb. 2023, www.news-press.com
“It does seem like magic. That’s what I said when I was first introduced to the technology but it’s not, it’s solid science, and it works.”
— Kim Gin, Former Sacramento County Coroner, used ANDE technology during the Camp Fire and the Conception Boat Fire
“I’m sold on this technology, we’ve seen it work over and over again. It actually allows police to investigate their cases the way they feel they need to investigate it. And it provides them DNA forensic lab quality results.”
— Nate Mutter, Assistant Chief of Investigations Utah Attorney General’s Office
New Rapid DNA testing helped police find Lizzy Shelley. , ABC4 Utah, 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM17hV-WoAs.
“This is truly a paradigm shift in law enforcement. This gives the control of running these sample to investigators and crime scene technicians on the street. They have proven success. They don’t have to say I think we can do this. They can do it.”
— Ron Brooks, 38-year law enforcement veteran and leader on public safety policy issues. He has led criminal intelligence/enforcement efforts including HIDTA, NCRIC, CICC, and White House IPC-ISA